讀新聞:〈手機是遊戲的未來嗎?推特 Head of Gaming 認為確實如此〉

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當 Twitter 的遊戲內容長 Rishi Chadha 被問到為什麼不跟 youtube, twitch 或最近新增的 facebook 做類似的遊戲平台,他認為,他不將這些公司是為競爭對手,而是合作夥伴:「因為人們可能會在 Twitch或 Youtube 上玩遊戲,但他們會在Twitter上談論它們。Twitter 並不是給創作者產生內容的平台,而是一個地方讓人討論真正的遊戲內容。」

Is Mobile the Future of Gaming? Twitter’s Head of Gaming Certainly Thinks so


Q: How does Twitter cope with the competition from other social networks like YouTube, Twitch or the recent gamer platform launched by Facebook? Will Twitter also launch a similar platform for streamers?

A: "While you see these companies as competition, we see them as partners which we can integrate on our platform. People may play games on Twitch or Youtube, but they go on Twitter to talk about them. Unlike YouTube or Twitch, we at Twitter don't see ourselves as a platform for content creators

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